Internationalization of SMEs
Project name: Qualification of the company in digital resources that promote the improvement of the consumer experience in all (digital) environments of contact with the brand, increasing the presence in new markets.
Project code: NORTE-02-0752-FEDER-047879
Main goal: Strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs
Region of intervention: North
Approval date: 2020-11-13
Start date: 2020-09-02
Completion date: 2023-06-30
Total eligible cost ERDF – 123.006,25 EUR
Financial support from the European Union – 55,352.81 EUR
Objectives, activities, and expected/achieved results: Invest in an online store to enhance the dissemination of its products, expanding the geographical area of operation to at least 4 new markets; Market 60,000 products, launching two new ranges and achieving a Sales Volume abroad of 65% of the total Value.